Chad Zollo is the Online Pastor at Elevation Church. He helps to develop and implement strategies to reach and disciple those who connect with the church from over 120 countries every week. Creating opportunities for people to engage with the church through multiple platforms has allowed his team to widen the reach of the church, but also develop deep relationships and intentional discipleship through the strategic use of technology.
Ralph Moore is the founding Pastor of the Hope Chapel movement; now numbering more than 2,300 churches, worldwide. These churches were launched as a result of Ralph’s practical hands-on method of making disciples. Ralph travels globally teaching believers how to make disciples who make more disciples! He serves churches around the world and is the “Church Multiplication Catalyzer” for the Exponential Conference. He’s authored several books, including Let Go Of the Ring: The Hope Chapel Story, Making Disciples, How to Multiply Your Church, Starting a New Church, and Defeating Anxiety.
Bobby Harrington is founder and lead servant of Harpeth Christian Church, Discipleship.org and Renew.org. He has written over 10 books on the teachings of Jesus and discipleship, including DiscipleShift (with Jim Putman), The Disciple Maker’s Handbook (with Josh Patrick), Dedicated (with his son Chad and Jason Houser) and Trust and Follow Jesus. He has studied at the University of Calgary, Harding University, Asbury Seminary, Princeton, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he completed his Doctoral degree. He lives in the Nashville, Tennessee area with his lovely wife Cindy, children and grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, world politics, and good movies.
Chad Harrington is Chief Storyteller at Harrington Interactive Media and HIM Publications. He studied the Bible at Ozark Christian College and earned a Master of Biblical Studies degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is a co-author of Dedicated with his dad and Jason Houser. He and his wife, Rachel, live with their daughter, Emma, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Bobby and his 33-year-old son, Chad believe that the most important discipleship of all, is discipleship in the home. They’ve written a book on discipleship in the home called Dedicated: Training Your Children to Trust and Follow Jesus. They are joining together at GO Conference 2019 to share the story of what they have learned as father and son to help Christian parents effectively disciple their children.
Finu is the founder and president of Passion to Reach Ministries. Passion to Reach Ministries is a global missions and church development ministry that is engaged in gospel proclamation and ministry training and development. Finu’s passion is to see the local church equipped for community outreach and effective disciple making. His speaking ministry has spanned over 20 nations worldwide, including invitations to speak at Pastor’s conferences, mass evangelistic campaigns and media outreach initiatives. Finu is also the founder and CEO of the Canadian Community Alliance Network, a nonprofit whose mission is to empower churches to make a lasting impact in their communities through strategic partnerships. Finu hosts the Mission Connect Podcast and leads the Passion to Reach International School of Ministry, a training centre that provides leadership development resources of church leaders and teams.
Alexander Chu received Christ in 1997 through a dramatic faith encounter after growing up in a Buddhist heritage. Christianity Today rated his story as a top ten, must read testimony. “Beyond Buddha to Beloved” has circulated the globe to more than 160 countries through Christianity Today and The 700 Club – Christian Broadcasting Network. His personal passion for missions and evangelism was birthed through his unique conversion and calling journey. Alexander is currently the Outreach Pastor for Christ Church, a multi-site church in Chicagoland. He has developed teams to launch an urban housing program, a cars ministry, a human trafficking recovery home, a legal aid clinic, a job creation mentorship network, and a racial reconciliation consultancy. Each year, he trains and mobilizes several thousand volunteers to live out their faith and reach the community. Lives are being transformed and communities revitalized with the Gospel.
Todd Stewart is the President and CEO of Gulf Winds International, a third party logistics company based in Houston, TX. GWI employees over 625 people with an annual revenue of 125 Million USD and serves Dallas, Houston, Mobile, New Orleans and Memphis. Todd believes Gulf Winds exists for a greater purpose than just profitability. He is committed to stewarding Gulf Winds to glorify Jesus Christ by meeting spiritual and physical needs of employees, the community and the world. He is passionate about evangelism and has seen the Lord redeem many people inside the company including his father, executive team, employees and long-term customers.